Common Log-On System
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About CLO / 關於「統一登入系統」
The Common Log-on (CLO) System of the Education Bureau (EDB) is the one-stop portal for users of schools and other external parties to access various EDB application systems.
Some frequently asked questions are listed below for quick reference. Users can also refer to the User Manual for more details or contact CLO Helpdesk at 3464 0592 ( for enquiries.
FAQ / 常見問題
Q1. Who can use CLO?
Q1. 誰人可使用「統一登入系統」?
Anyone with e-Services or Training Calendar System (TCS) user accounts can use the CLO. They can use the same username and password as they use to log on to e-Services/TCS to log on to CLO. School user without e-Services/TCS user account may apply for a CLO user account, please refer to Q2 for details.
Q2. How to apply for a CLO user account?
Q2. 如何申請一個「統一登入系統」用戶戶口?
CLO user account is for school users who are not eligible for e-Services or TCS user accounts. Applicants can click the “Self Register” button on the logon page and then provide the required information. After the email address verification step, the applications will be submitted to the relevant School Heads, Master School Administrators (MSAs) or CLO School Administrators (CSAs) for approval. The applicant will receive an email notification when his/her application is approved. Please refer to Section 8 of the User Manual for details.
Q3. How to register a supervisor account for using CLO?
Q3. 如何登記校監戶口,以使用「統一登入系統」?
MSAs may create accounts for supervisors at e-Services Portal > Account Management > School Supervisor Account. For more details, please go to e-Services Portal Help Manual > School Desk > School Supervisor Account.
學校行政主戶可以在電子化服務入門網站 > 戶口管理 > 校監戶口,登記校監戶口。詳情可參閱電子化服務入門網站輔助說明 > 學校桌面 > 校監戶口
Q4. Which application systems can be accessed through CLO?
Q4. 我可透過「統一登入系統」進入那些應用系統?
The single sign-on function of CLO enables you to access EDB application systems, such as e-Services, TCS, Business-School Partnership Programme (BSPP) website, WebSAMS and School Maintenance Automated Rapport Terminal (SMART) System by simply logging on to CLO. Users with relevant authorities can also access application systems on behalf of their schools. The single sign-on function will extend to more application systems in future.
Q5. My account has been locked after several unsuccessful logon attempts. What should I do?
Q5. 我的戶口因多次登入失敗而被封鎖,該怎麼辦?
User accounts will be temporarily locked for 10 minutes after five cumulative unsuccessful logon attempts. You may try to log on again after the lock-out period.
Q6. I forgot my username/password. What should I do?
Q6. 如忘記了用戶名稱/密碼,該怎麼辦?
Please click the “Forgot Username/Password” link on the logon page. For details, please refer to the User Manual.
Q7. How to single sign-on WebSAMS?
Q7. 如何單一登入「網上校管系統」?
After logging on to CLO, click the WebSAMS shortcut in the portal homepage to go to WebSAMS. WebSAMS will ask the user to provide his/her credentials for a one-time registration only during the first access through CLO. After successfully registered, the user will not be required to provide his/her credentials in subsequent accesses through CLO. If the WebSAMS shortcut is not found on the portal homepage, click the “+” button to add the shortcut. (Note: School is required to properly configure both CLO and WebSAMS so that teachers/staff of the school can make use of the single sign-on function.)
Q8. How to single sign-on SMART?
Q8. 如何單一登入「校舍保養互動終端系統」?
After logging on to CLO, click the “+” button on the portal homepage to add the SMART shortcut and then click the newly added shortcut to go to SMART. SMART will ask the user to provide his/her credentials for a one-time registration only during the first access through CLO. After successfully registered, the user will not be required to provide his/her credentials in subsequent accesses through CLO. Please refer to User Guide of SMART System for details.
Q9. Which application system shortcuts can be self-managed by the “+”/“-” buttons?
Q9. 有那些應用系統的登入捷徑可以自行利用「+」或「–」管理?
At this stage, the shortcut to WebSAMS and SMART can be self-managed by the “+”/“-” buttons. More personal application systems will be included in future.
Q10. How to access application systems on behalf of a school?
Q10. 如何代表學校進入應用系統?
After authenticated by CLO, authorized user will be able to access application system on behalf of a school. When accessing some of the application systems, CLO will list the school(s) which the user is authorized to access as a representative. After selecting and confirming the school to be represented, the user will be able to access the application system on behalf of the selected school.
Q11. Who can represent a school to access application systems?
Q11. 誰可代表學校進入應用系統?
In CLO, School Heads, MSAs and CSAs are representatives of schools under their management by default. If required, School Heads, MSAs and CSAs can delegate access to school users of related schools for selected application system.
Q12. How to delegate tasks?
Q12. 如何委派工作項目?
You can delegate tasks by clicking the icon at the top-right corner and then selecting “Delegate Task” in the drop-down menu. For details, please refer to the User Manual.
點擊右上方的 圖示並從選單中選取「委派工作」。詳情可參閱用戶手冊
Q13. When will the delegation end?
Q13. 委派的工作項目會於何時完結?
If an effective period is configured for a delegation, the authority to represent the school will be lifted from the delegate automatically after the effective period. When required, School Heads, MSAs and CSAs can also remove a delegation anytime. Please note that the resignation/transfer of a delegate will not remove the relevant delegated tasks in CLO automatically. If necessary, School Heads, MSAs and CSAs may need to remove the delegations no longer required.
Q14. Why I cannot find the “Configure for WebSAMS” and “Delegate Task” options in the menu?
Q14. 為什麼我在功能選單中找不到「更改WebSAMS相關設定」及「委派工作」等選項?
The “Configure for WebSAMS” and “Delegate Task” options are available to School Heads, MSAs and CSAs only.
Q15. I have updated the WebSAMS URL in CLO, why school users still cannot single sign-on to WebSAMS?
Q15. 我已在「統一登入系統」更新「網上校管系統」的網址,為何學校人員仍未能單一登入「網上校管系統」?
Updating WebSAMS URL requires system configuration changes in CLO, it will take about two working days for the new WebSAMS URL to be effective in CLO.
Q16. Can DSA(A) and DSA(T) in e-Services use the administrative functions in CLO?
Q16. 「電子化服務入門網站」的行政人員委任戶及教學人員委任戶可否使用「統一登入系統」提供的行政功能?
The administrative functions in CLO are for School Heads, MSAs and CSAs only. Other school users, including DSA(A) and DSA(T) are not allowed to use.
Q17. Why there is no icon after logon?
Q17. 為何登入後沒有 圖示?
Only school representatives, i.e. School Head, MSAs, CSAs and school delegates, have the icon for leading users to the School Messaging Module (SMM) of Fast Information Transmission System (FITS).
只有學校代表,即校長、學校行政主戶、「統一登入系統」學校行政戶口及被委派學校人員使用,會有 圖示引領用戶前往「高效資訊傳遞系統」的「學校通訊模組」。
Q18. How to change my password?
Q18. 如何更改我的密碼?
After logging on to CLO, you can change your password by clicking the icon at the top-right corner and then selecting “Change Password” in the drop-down menu.  For details, please refer to the User Manual.
登入「統一登入系統」後,點擊右上方的 圖示並從選單中選取「更改密碼」。詳情可參閱用戶手冊
Q19. If a pop-up window cannot be displayed on accessing application systems (e.g. TCS), what should I do?
Q19. 如進入應用系統(如「培訓行事曆」)時未能顯示彈出的視窗,該怎麼辦?
The pop-up window is probably blocked by the pop-up blocking feature of your browser. You can try disabling this feature on your browser.
Q20. Why I cannot log out of CLO after closing all browser windows?
Q20. 我已關閉所有瀏覽器視窗,為何仍未能登出「統一登入系統」?
This may be related to the settings of your Chrome browser. Please click the (more) icon at the top right of the Chrome browser and then select “Settings”, check that the “Continue where you left off” option under “Start-up page” is NOT selected.
這可能和你使用的Chrome瀏覽器設定有關。請在Chrome瀏覽器的點擊右上方的 (更多)圖示然後選擇「設定」,在「起始畫面」底下,確保沒有選擇「繼續瀏覽上次開啟的網頁」。
Q21. How to log on to CLO using iAM Smart?
Q21. 如何利用「智方便」登入「統一登入系統」?
Please click the “Login with iAM Smart” button on the logon page and then open the “iAM Smart” Mobile App on your mobile device to scan the QR code shown on the screen. If your CLO user account has already been bound to “iAM Smart”, you will be logged on instantly to CLO. If your CLO user account has not been bound to “iAM Smart”, you are required to provide your CLO username and password to link up with “iAM Smart”. For details, please refer to the User Manual.